
Monday, 18 July 2011

My first ever post/blog or whatever I'm supposed to call it, is born not out of a delightful incident with the babies (sorry children), but righteous indignation.

I don't often have the chance to sit down and read a magazine or good book these days, but yesterday I had a bath and actually took an afternoon nap after a particularly horrendous night due to teething tears and an toy-induced accident. The boy fell on Thomas the Tank in bed after throwing himself backwards and cutting his head, cue upset mummy/son and some disturbed sleep.

Anyway, I still maintain a Christmas subscription to a well known magazine and was quite looking forward to having a relax and read. I ignored the ridiculously priced shoes and clothes an instead read an article about the need for keeping up-to-date with popular books/TV shows/films/albums etc. All well and good and in an ideal world this might be quite fun. But as I read down I came to realise that the writer was perfectly serious when they recounted the story of a friend being questioned on the relative merits of two shows at a dinner party and then feeling the need to bluff their way through the question when they hadn't watched either.

My problem with the article is as follows: a) who still has time for dinner parties b) do they really mean a take-away, bottle of wine & bit of banter and c) who really cares? I'm all for a good chat about your favourite programme but do people really 'compare & contrast'? This sounds more like a school essay to me and if this actually does happen, would you really need to lie about not having seen it? Do the people that write these things live in the real world, or perhaps I just need to realise that I am no longer part of their target demographic?!

Perhaps I'm just so far entrenched in Mummy-dom that I'm just out of touch. The highlight of my day was buying my toddler some 'special tissues' to blow his nose on rather than letting him pretend to kiss me and actually wiping the snot across my forehead. It made us all happy though:-)

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